It was Aesop who said, "No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." Then Mother Theresa further buttressed this by saying, "We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop".
Last year, through #Project100for10, we were able to raise the sum of₦1,622,000 that helped 17 girls through their tertiary education. This was 100% done through your generous donations. Some of these girls are now graduates, some are currently serving the nation while others used the funds to get materials that has eased their educational journey.
This year, we want to help 20 high performing female university and polytechnic undergraduates studying STEM courses benefit from our scholarship program .
Our goal for #Project100for20, is to raise the sum of ₦2,000,000 ($5,000) to make this possible!
One of the major challenges girls face is not having the financial support or means to pursue their dreams of a STEM career. In addition, STEM related courses are often the most expensive in Nigerian Universities and Polytechnics. With increasing school fees, accommodation fees, and other related academic costs, there is a huge need to support Nigerian girls with limited capacity to continue on with their studies.
If you would like to be among the first people to donate to this project, here are the ways you can:
For donations in dollars, please click on the link http://goto.gg/55525
For naira donations, you can send directly to our account with the reference “Scholarship”.
Bank: Access Bank (Former Diamond).
Account name: African Girls in Sci and Tech Initiative.
Account number: 0070084442.
Thank you in advance for your donations. We look forward to sharing with you how it transformed a girl's life.